Do you struggle with acne? Mild acne to severe acne can cause a person to avoid social occasions and spending time with their friends. Often, it can even lead to other problems like anxiety and depression. Additionally, not only can it cause emotional problems but it can also be physically painful to touch and expensive creams, pills, and medications might not be helping your acne go down at all. Doctors want to help you fight back against your acne in ways that can determine your acne’s root cause and find healthy and safe alternatives for avoiding flare-ups. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation with someone, call an office today.
What Can I Expect from a Doctor’s Visit?
Visiting a doctor of any kind can be daunting, but we want you to feel as comfortable as possible. If you have suffered from acne for long, then you have likely consulted with a dermatologist or other physicians, and you can expect a similar visit. When visiting with us, it is good to always be prepared with your medical history, fill out the necessary forms and be prepared to talk with one of our doctors in-depth about what is going on. We’ll aim to understand more about:
- Your day-to-day activities
- How long you have struggled with acne
- What your diet is like
- What medications and topical solutions you have used on your acne
Getting to know you will help us to understand where your acne might be coming from. For example, simple blood tests can show whether you might be deficient in certain vitamins and minerals or if you have undiagnosed underlying infections that could be contributing to your acne.
Naturopathic Treatments
After one of our doctors has looked over your information and talked with you, there are a few ways doctors might treat you.
- Your Diet. By looking at your diet, we can see where your food might be lacking. One way of helping to treat acne is by cutting out processed foods and eating leafy green vegetables as well as fruits. Other food items that could be reduced or eliminated are dairy (often known for inflaming the skin), removing refined sugars, and cutting out fried foods.
- Oils. While many people think that an oil used on acne can only make it worse, certain oils like fish oil or tea tree oil have been shown to help with their antibacterial properties and their anti-inflammatory properties.
- Acupuncture. Many times, acupuncture can help to reduce your inflammation and redness which can decrease the time your pimples last.
How Can I Get in Touch with a Doctor?
There are many other treatments a doctor can provide, but they take the time to find the best treatments to help eliminate your acne at its start. If you have any further questions on why naturopathic treatment is best for you or if you would like to set up your first consultation, call an office today.